How Posture Affects Neck and Shoulder Health

How Posture Affects Neck and Shoulder Health



“Straighten up!” I’m sure we’ve all heard this command from our parents or guardians at some point during our childhood. It’s a common thought that standing up tall with perfect posture goes a long way toward healthy and pain-free necks and shoulders. In many ways, this is true; sitting with an ideal posture does place significantly less stress on your body. The only catch is… it is incredibly difficult to sit with perfect posture for long periods of time! We as humans are built to move, and even though sitting in front of your computer with the most perfect posture certainly decreases stress on your joints, the most recent research suggests that your best posture is your next posture.

This means that it is much more harmful to stay in the same position for prolonged periods of time than it is to change your posture and position every 20-30 minutes. This is especially important for people who work in front of a computer or sit down for a large portion of their day. One of the most helpful ways to take pressure off your joints is to avoid staying in the same posture for longer than 20 minutes. Even if your posture isn’t perfect, it doesn’t necessarily matter as much if you plan on changing your position relatively soon. So remember, stress less about your posture, and focus more on keeping active and not staying in the same position for long periods of time. Your neck and shoulders will thank you!

Meet Sarah, a middle-aged office worker who, like many of us, spends most of her workday sitting at a desk, typing away on a computer. Over the years, Sarah started experiencing persistent neck and shoulder pain that gradually began to affect her quality of life. Little did she know that her posture was a major part of the problem.

This is the story of how Sarah’s journey to better posture relieved her neck and shoulder pain and improved her overall well-being.


Sarah’s days at the office involved long hours spent hunched over her computer engrossed in her work. Her posture was far from ideal, and she rarely paid attention to how she sat or the position of her neck and shoulders. Like many individuals in sedentary jobs, she was unaware of the consequences poor posture could have on her health.

The Painful Wake-Up Call
One day, Sarah began to experience nagging neck pain that radiated into her shoulders. At fi rst, she dismissed it as stress-related tension, but the discomfort persisted. Evenings were no longer enjoyable as the pain in her neck and shoulders made it challenging to relax or engage in her favorite activities. It was a wake-up call that something needed to change.

Seeking Professional Help
Frustrated with the persistent pain, Sarah decided to consult one of our skilled physical therapists at Joint Restoration Center, who specialized in postural issues and musculoskeletal health. Her therapist began by comprehensively assessing her medical history as well as Sarah’s posture and movement capabilities.

Understanding the Impact of Poor Posture
Her physical therapist explained to Sarah how her poor posture was contributing to her neck and shoulder pain. Sitting for prolonged periods with her shoulders slouched forward and her head tilted down had placed excessive strain on her neck and shoulder muscles. The therapist also noted that her spine’s natural curvature was affected, further contributing to her pain.


Green Smoothie

  • 3/4 cup milk of choice
  • 1 small frozen banana
  • 1 tablespoon nut/seed butter of choice
  • 3 cups baby spinach
  • 2 scoops protein powder of choice

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

green smoothie

Home Exercise

Strengthens your shoulders

Start by standing up straight and holding one end of a resistance band in each hand. Raise your arms straight out in front of you. Pull your shoulder blades together. Spread your arms straight out to your sides, pulling the band apart. Once you have reached your maximal range of motion, let your arms come back in.

Do Any of These Sound Like You? 

  • You’re tired of struggling with chronic pain but don’t know what to do about it?
  • You are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted?
  • You are not feeling as good as you know you should?
  • You know you‘ve got to do things differently, but you’re not confident how?
  • You realize health doesn’t come in a bottle?
  • You’re willing to take ownership of your health?

If so, you may benefit from our new comprehensive wellness program!